Viral Test: Determine Which Vehicle Should Start Up First

Ah, the mysteries of driving and the puzzles of intersections! Here is a puzzle that has been all the rage on platforms like Facebook, Twitter And Instagram. Sometimes playful, sometimes educational, they test our understanding and entertain us. Today you are offered to sift through a particular image, and the choice you make may well reveal your mastery of traffic rules. Ready to take on this virulent little challenge? Let’s go there without regrets, because the answer might well surprise you!

A test that sets social networks in turmoil

At the heart of the matter is an illustration showing three cars positioned variously at an intersection. If you’ve ever put your hands on a steering wheel, perhaps the puzzle will seem very simple to you. Otherwise, trust your intuition and trust your reasoning. The question is simple: which car should go first to comply with the highway code? The response, far from unanimous, provoked heated debates among Internet users, and even some road traffic experts set out to set the record straight.

A not so obvious question

The much talked about illustration was posted by a user named Sneakers on Twitter, leading to a deluge of shares, comments and responses that were sometimes more comical than consistent with the rules of conduct. The question posed by this image was not so much to find the right answer tit for tat, but to reveal an alarming reality: many drivers have limited knowledge of the highway code.

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The long awaited answer

If you’ve gotten this far, it’s because you’re impatient to know the solution to this viral test. On this T-shaped intersection imagewithout a stop sign but with yield signs, the ballet of vehicles no. 1 and no. 3 are preparing to turn left while car no. 2 is moving in the opposite direction.

Car number 3 must therefore give way to vehicle number 2 which is approaching, before being able to turn. Vehicle No. 1 will wait until car No. 3 has completed its maneuver. Let us add to this motorized choreography that if pedestrians or cyclists enter the scene, their priority is not subject to any dispute.

Did you find it? So congratulations, you are a wise driver and your knowledge of the highway code is impeccable! Do not hesitate to share this test with those around you and let your friends benefit from this fun learning moment.

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