IQ test: can you find the three bananas hidden in this image in 15 seconds?

Are you ready to test your eyes and your mind with a fun adventure? I have on hand an optical illusion that will not only brighten your day, but also boost your visual acuity. Imagine yourself in the middle of a crowd of Minions, with the exhilarating mission to find three cleverly hidden bananas. Can you complete this quest in under 15 seconds? It’s time to exercise your brain and prove your insight! Come on, start the timer and let the hunt begin!

A Challenge Matching Your Insight

Do you think you have eagle eyes? Let’s put this to the test with our little visual puzzle of the day. The concept is simple: three bananas have sneaked into a happy troop of Minions. Your challenge, if you accept it, is to spot in record time. Ready, set, scan!

The work you see was designed by Gergely Dudás, a Hungarian artist with an undeniable talent for creating visual puzzles that challenge your observation ability. Finding the three bananas among these mischievous Minions is just the beginning. Get ready to sharpen your eyesight and have fun while training your brain!

Your Moment of Glory

The seconds tick by, and the challenge comes to an end. Have you managed to locate our three yellow accomplices? This visual test, at a level considered average, is perfect for gauging your acuity and concentration. If you’ve had trouble detecting them, don’t worry, the solution is just a click away!

And there you have it, the mystery of bananas is solved! They were marked with a red circle to help you spot them. If you liked this little test, know that there are many others to stimulate your mind and give you an entertaining break. So, stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled for new visual adventures!

Home » Visual challenges » IQ test: can you find the three bananas hidden in this image in 15 seconds?