A misleading riddle: if you think the answer is 12, you are wrong! Can you find the right result?

Get ready to put your insight to the test with our latest logic challenge! It’s a perfect opportunity to have fun while training your gray cells. Before you is a puzzle that seems simple on the surface, but in reality hides captivating complexity. The challenge ? Find the missing piece of this digital puzzle. Whether you’re a whiz at puzzles or just looking for a stimulating way to pass the time, this IQ test is designed to spark your curiosity and sharpen your mind. So, are you ready to discover the number that completes the puzzle?

Test your quick thinking

If you like puzzles that require logic and thinking, our IQ challenge will captivate you. The objective seems easy: find the missing number, but make no mistake, the task promises to be difficult. The clues are before your eyes and you have 35 seconds to find the mystery number. Take a deep breath, engage your brain and embark on this intellectual adventure!

Difficult IQ test - what is the missing number
Difficult IQ test: what is the missing number in the hexagon?

The irresistible charm of IQ tests

THE IQ tests are gaining popularity for many reasons. In addition to providing an objective assessment of intellectual skills, they can predict academic or professional performance and reveal specific needs. These tests can also shed light on how a person processes information, which is essential for career or educational guidance.

IQ tests help us decipher our strengths and weaknesses, thus guiding our career or study choices. They prove to be valuable tools for a better understanding of oneself and others.

Discover the secret of the puzzle

Wondering what the key to this puzzle is? The answer is the number 11. The logic behind this mysterious hexagon becomes clear once we grasp the digital pattern hidden in the image. To decipher this code, simply follow the sequence of numbers in their specific directions: diagonally to the right, we add “2”, in a vertical line, “1”, and diagonally to the left, “3”. Armed with these clues, the missing number reveals itself to you.

Difficult IQ test - what is the missing number - solution

So, did you beat this puzzle without help? Do you think your friends will be able to uncover the mystery faster? Challenge them and see who has the best deductive skills!

Logic games like this IQ test are not only fun, they are also a great way to keep our minds sharp. Whether during a coffee break or during an evening with friends, these intellectual challenges bring a touch of friendly competition while stimulating our brain. So don’t wait any longer, share this puzzle and see who among you is the master of logic!

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A propos de l'auteur, Liam Davis
Home » Intellectual challenges » A misleading riddle: if you think the answer is 12, you are wrong! Can you find the right result?